Portal for more climate-friendly mobility

Closing the cycle with a biogas truck

Optimum use of self-produced energy

The innovative farm run by the Wyss family in Ittigen demonstrates you can produce your own energy and close the cycle using a biogas-powered truck.
Transalliance steps on the gas

Deliberately opting for CNG and LNG

French logistics specialist Transalliance is deliberately renewing its fleet with 30 CNG and LNG trucks. Purchasing Manager Hotton explains why.
Hyliion und Cummins
Hyliion and Cummins

Green hypertruck for the USA

Together with engine specialist Cummins, Hyliion is launching the Hypertruck ERX with innovative CNG hybrid drive for the North American market in 2023.
Europäischen Biogasverband (EBA)
Biogas for greater energy security

The key piece of the puzzle

Achieving the EU’s climate targets will require fundamental changes in the energy sector. The Biogas Report 2022 shows just how important biogas is.
Mobility and security of energy supply

E-fuels and biogas a must for experts

To achieve the climate targets, individual transport and the entire transport sector must become practically CO2-free by 2050. The question remains: how?
LNG sales increase at filling stations

LNG and bio-LNG as an opportunity

LNG sales at filling stations in Germany have increased significantly: as a result, more than 100,000 fewer tonnes of CO2 were emitted last year alone.
The road to climate-neutral building materials

Biogas trucks for carbon-neutral concrete

Thanks to biogas, a fleet of ten CNG trucks will deliver supplies to the construction materials company Heidelberg Cement on a virtually carbon-neutral basis.
Scania expands product range

New tanks for increased range

Swedish truck manufacturer Scania is expanding its range of tanks and specifications in response to the growing interest in gas-powered trucks.