Portal for more climate-friendly mobility

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Climate-neutral fuel for heavy-duty transport

World’s second-largest condensing system

The world’s second-largest liquefaction plant for bio- and synthetic fuels is being built in the heart of Germany. Capacity: 180 tonnes of bio-LNG per day.
Santi-Trans receives its first CNG truck

Driver’s eyes light up at truck pick-up

A Thurgau-based family business has received the first of two CNG trucks. Santi-Trans GmbH is seeking to improve its climate footprint for customers.
Technology for reducing carbon emissions

No net zero without negative emissions

Switzerland has undertaken to stop emitting greenhouse gases by 2050. This also requires the use of negative emission technologies.
Enhanced efficiency thanks to a gas engine

Starship truck receives a CNG heart

Shell’s futuristic Starship showed how economical a diesel-powered truck can be. But it gets better: the vehicle has now been fitted with a CNG engine.
Nothegger Transport Logistik relies on LNG

A family-run company steps on the gas

Austrian haulier Nothegger Transport Logistik sees the use of LNG trucks as another piece of the puzzle on the path to “green logistics”.
Methane emissions in production

More sustainable biogas production

The European Biogas Association’s report highlights the efforts of the biogas industry to reduce methane emissions through sustainable production.
LNG lorries complete with filling stations

All for one, all for LNG!

In France, even the Musketeers opt for LNG! The department store group “Les Mousquetaires” uses LNG-powered Scanias in its own network of filling stations.
DVGW study: Rapid conversion possible

Gas pipelines are ready for hydrogen

The existing gas grid can supply energy cost-effectively and in a climate-neutral way. A study from Germany shows details: the gas pipes are ready for hydrogen.