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Sharp criticism of European energy policy

Domenico De Rosa, CEO of the Smet Group, is sounding the alarm and calling for a rethink of European energy policy. At the same time, his transport and logistics company continues to invest in greater sustainability, creating 40 new LNG-powered Iveco trucks.

Domenico De Rosa, CEO of the Smet Group. in the video of the handover of the 40 Iveco S-Way with LNG propulsion. Source: Iveco

“Europe is paying the bill for the most disastrous continental energy policy in the history of mankind, and the ones who suffer are the companies and the citizens,” rails Domenico De Rosa, CEO of the Smet Group. “Today, in an emergency situation, all decisions made are dictated more by necessity than by real possibilities and proper visions.” De Rosa therefore demands that governments make a decisive change of course to avert a future full of pitfalls for businesses and citizens.

His Smet Group was founded in 1947 in Salerno (I) and has long since reached international dimensions. Last year, it generated total sales of 450 million euros, had a fleet of 5500 vehicles and operated more than 30 sites in Italy and Europe. “Our success is based on method, discipline and respect for people. The future? We will be there in the future, and we will not be extras, but protagonists,” CEO De Rosa confidently declares on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Italian freight forwarding group, despite a difficult market environment. “Innovation and environmental protection are in our cradle. Proof of this is the ‘green turn’ we have taken well ahead of time.”

One of the Smet Group’s new trucks will be refuelled at the bio-LNG station in Turin (I), allowing it to reach its destinations in a nearly CO2-neutral way afterwards. Source: Iveco/Smet Group

As early as the mid-1990s, the Smet Group focused on closer links with ship and rail transport. In recent years, the Italians have also begun to integrate diesel alternatives into the fleet. “First trucks with liquid gas, today with biogas, and in the near future also with electricity and hydrogen,” says the Smet CEO. “Our 75th anniversary comes at a time characterized by an unprecedented geopolitical framework.” This is certainly not conducive to investment, he said, across the board. “Nevertheless, we continue to invest in the decarbonization of road transport and in the environmental transition process,” De Rosa makes clear.

This is also evident in the latest addition to the fleet, with Iveco delivering 40 Iveco S-Way LNG to the logistics and freight transport company. The handover ceremony took place at the Bio-LNG filling station on Strada Cascinette in Turin. Over the years, this has led to the development of a large fleet of LNG-powered trucks in the region, which, thanks to the sustainable origin of the LNG, allow for almost CO2-neutral transport. This is because CNG or LNG, and especially biogas and bio-LNG, are to date the only mature solutions capable of truly reducing CO2 emissions over long distances in freight transport.

Source: Iveco/Smet-Gruppe

The Smet Group is now taking delivery of 40 Iveco S-Way LNG model AS440S46T/P 2 LNG in two tranches. These 4×2 tractor units with a 3800 mm wheelbase are equipped with a 460 hp Cursor 13 engine, an AS cab with a high roof, a HI-Tronix 12-speed transmission and rear air suspension.

“The collaboration with the Smet Group and with our dealer Mecar has made it possible to kick off more sustainability in the logistics sector here, when there was no talk of sustainability at all,” said Fabrizio Buffa, head of the medium and heavy vehicle market at Iveco Italy. “Now we are delivering 40 latest-generation Iveco S-Way LNG. Proof that the use of biofuels is absolutely realistic and possible.” The Smet Group is not the only company betting on the promising technology, as Andrea Bosi, key account manager at raw materials and energy supplier Vulcangas, points out, “The demand for bio-LNG is constantly growing, and we are trying to meet it. Therefore, Vulcangas continues to invest heavily in this sector.” Currently, three production facilities supply bio-LNG to the company’s fueling stations, enabling trucks to boast long ranges and virtually zero climate-relevant CO2 emissions thanks to bio-LNG. (jas, September 6, 2022)

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