Portal for more climate-friendly mobility


Biogas for even cleaner roads

Two Scania CNG-powered sweepers have recently been put into operation in northern Italy. Thanks to biogas in the tank, the two vehicles of S.E.S.A. (Società Estense Servizi Ambientali) are CO2-neutral on the road and thus ensure twice the cleanliness on the streets.

Ceremonial handover of keys for the two novel Scania CNG-powered sweepers. Source: Scania

S.E.S.A. has been collecting, processing and recycling waste in the Bassa Padovana region in northern Italy since 1995, i.e. already since times when a system of undifferentiated waste collection was still practised here as in many other places in Europe. Then as now, however, the company took a pioneering role in reducing the mountains of waste that accumulated. Therefore, it used biocells for composting at an early stage and soon worked on recovering electricity, heat and water from the treatment of wet waste.

The two sweeper trucks not only have a CNG drive, but above all also biogas from their own production in the tank and are therefore climate-neutral on the road. Source: Scania

Once the recycling processes were established, the challenge was to make the best use of all possible renewable resources within the Este facility. Thus, an energy supply system was introduced for the separate waste collection fleet, which internally supplies biogas, and in addition, the waste optimisation process was refined. For example, the biogenic CO2 produced was collected and reused in the food sector, especially for beverages.

The two CNG Scanias also benefit from a customised body by Swiss specialist Bucher Municipal. Source: Scania

Now the vehicle fleet of the Veneto-based company is getting an addition. Two 280 hp sweepers with nine-litre CNG drive powered by S.E.S.A.’s own biogas now not only clean the streets in an absolutely climate-friendly way, but also close material cycles. “We are proud of the solution we have put on the road for S.E.S.A., as it is in line with the concepts of sustainability and circular economy,” explains Alessandro Girardi, Head of Pre-Sales & Logistics at Scania Italia. “Scania is determined to lead the shift towards a more sustainable transport system, and these vehicles, unique in Europe, are testimony to our commitment and versatility, even in highly specialised applications.”

The CNG tanks for the biogas on board the sweepers were installed behind the driver’s cab to save space. Source: Scania

Because to meet the specific requirements of the waste management specialists, Scania managers had to come up with a number of things. Thanks to the modularity of the chassis on the P280 models, it was possible to combine the high autonomy provided by eight CNG tanks for 760 litres of compressed biogas with the need for space to accommodate the entire suction and sweeping units. The good partnership with the equipment supplier Bucher Municipal was also decisive for the development of a customised solution. And the good manoeuvrability and clearly lower noise emissions of the CNG vehicles compared to a diesel take the strain off the drivers of the vehicles in everyday life.

Bucher Municipal specialises in suction and sweeping technology for narrow and manoeuvrable compact sweepers through to heavy truck-mounted sweepers. Source: Scania

“S.E.S.A.’s waste recycling and processing operations are among the most innovative and efficient in Europe, as evidenced by the award from Biorepack, the national consortium for organic recycling of biodegradable and compostable plastic packaging, and the visit of the EU Parliament to the Este plant,” explains Massimo Melato, CEO of S.E.S.A., at the handover of the biogas sweepers. “Given our strong commitment to decarbonising our industrial processes, we are pleased to be working with Scania, as the Swedish truck manufacturer is itself determined to reduce climate-damaging emissions.” The joint journey towards a more sustainable future through the use of biogas and more circular economy thus ensures a clean cause not only on, but also off the roads. (jas, 5 October 2023)

A successful combination designed for a long service life with very low environmental impact MaxPowa V65 and the biogas Scania P280. Source: Scania

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